Archive for the ‘Nordea’ Category

Well, that was quick…. Two days of email and tweets later, and Nordea is at least distancing itself from Gunns. But the statement that “Nordea has not made any decision or commitment to finance the project in Tasmania,” is not that same as “Nordea will not finance Gunns.” Still, good news that Nordea is at least looking nervous. Here’s a press release from the Wilderness Society and Avaaz:

(more…) is running a campaign to urge Nordea Bank not to finance Gunns Pulp Mill in Tasmania. Please send an email via the Avaaz website – but please re-write the suggested email. Nordea should have nothing to do with Gunns. Suggesting that Nordea might fund a Gunns’ pulp mill that is 100% based on plantation timber is not a good idea…. Below the video (from the Avaaz website) is the email I sent to Nordea. While the Gunns project staggers from one controversy to another, as the Wilderness Society points out “we’re not out of the woods yet“.
