Ken dumps Barbie. Will Mattel dump APP?

Posted: 16 June 2011 in APP, Greenpeace, Indonesia

As you must know by now, Greenpeace launched a Barbie campaign last week. APP, predictably, denies any wrong-doing, but then again, they always do. On APP’s corporate website with the Orwellian title “Rainforest Realities”, APP’s Aida Greenbury describes Greenpeace’s report which backs up the Barbie campaign as “unsubstantiated allegations”. Greenpeace’s report can be downloaded here.

Here’s the interview with Ken, where he learns about Barbie’s rainforest destruction habit:

Another Greenpeace video explaining what this is all about:

And there are some great Greenpeace maps with photos of the rainforest destruction (click on the image to go to the Greenpeace webpage for the full experience):

Finally, check out Ken’s facebook page – and “unlike” Barbie:

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